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Vocabulary 3 unit 2
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Trumpet- because your trumpet is brown
2. my trumpet is yellow (noun)
Latin- that the music is not latin
2. that music is latin (Noun)
Heavy metal- I don't like heavy metal type music
2.what is heavy metal type music (noun)
Country- Do you like country music?
2. I don't like country music (noun)
Glockenspiel- the glockenspiel looks like a piano
2. the glockenspiel is easy to play (noun)
Blues- do you like blues type songs?
2. You don't like bluesy songs? (Noun)
Drum- the drum is easy to play
2. is the drum small or large (noun)
Saxophone- the saxophone is great
2. the saxophone is hard to play (noun)
Harp- the harp the great
2. the harp is hard to play (noun)
Flute- you know how to play the flute
2.you can make music with the flute (noun)
Dance- the end is with a dance
2.that dance is beautiful (noun)
Classical- that music is not classical
2. that music is classical (adjetive)
Folk- the folk like your music
2. The folk like that music (music)
Violin- the violin is difficult to play
2. the violin is easy to play (noun)
Trombone- the trombone is great
2. it is difficult to play the trombone (noun)
Piccolo- Is it easy to play the piccolo?
2. I don't like to play the piccolo- (noun)
Hip-Hop- I don't like hip hop
2. You like hip hop ? (noun)
Oboe- Do you know how to play the oboe?
2. I don't know how to play the oboe (noun)
Jazz- ¿ Do you like jazz?
2. I don't like jazz (noun)
Gong- The gong is to end the show
2.Hey, what is the gong for? (noun)