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Present Continuous Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Andy ...... (not run) at the moment.
isn't running
The boys ...... (not play) handball.
aren't playing
Bill and Tony ...... (skateboard) at the moment.
are skateboarding
...... your parents...... now? (work)
Are your parents working now?
...... the sun...... outside? (shine)
Is the sun shining outside?
It ...... (not bark) now.
isn't barking
We ...... (not listen) to music now.
aren't listening
The children ...... (drink) milk now.
are drinking
The cat ...... (sleep) at the moment.
is sleeping
...... you ...... the Net at the moment? (surf)
Are you surfing the Net at the moment)
...... they ...... a newspaper now? (read)
Are they reading a newspaper now?
Steve and Jenny ...... (have) lunch now.
are having
Sylvia ...... (not make) a cake at the moment.
Sylvia isn't making a cake at the moment.
...... Jessica ...... her bike now? (ride)
Is jessica riding her bike now?
I ...... (go) to the market now.
am going