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vocabulary 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. The flute is the color white
2. The flute is a instrument
1. In Chiana use a gong
2. The gong is huge
1. The country music is a American music
2. The country use a guitar
1. The Hip--Hop is a dance music
2. The Hip Hop is a style music
1. The blues music is very good music
2. The blues is a relax music
1. he violin is small
2. This violin is the color braown
1. The classical music is very relax
2. Beethoven play classical music
1. This drum is the color black
2. The drum is worn in a band
1. The jazz is a relax music
2. The melody the jazz is very relax
1. The havy metal is a rock
2. The havy metal is a violent music
1. The trompone is very long
2. The trompone is the brother The trumped
1. dancing releases stress
2. in zumba you dance
1. The trumpet is the color yelow
2. The trumpet is long
1. The piccolo is the small flaute
2. The picoolo is very tiny
1. The geeks us a harp
2. The harp is big instrument
1. The Latin music is reggaeton
2. The Latin music have a good rhythm
1. The glockenspiel has a special hammer
2. The glockenspiel is a tiny marimba
1. The oboe is a long instrument
2. The oboe is the color black and gray
1. The classic folk music is a good music
2. The folk is a relax music
1. The saxophone is a instrument
The medoly that emits the saxophone is very relax