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Preserved: To keep something as it is especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed.
VERB. We preserved the bones of the dinosaurs.
Trace: To find someone or something that was lost.
VERB. I leave a trace in the sand.
Mold: A soft green. gray, or black growth that develops on old food or on objects that have been left too long in warm, slightly wet places.
NOUN. She bought a mold.
Impression: A mark made on the surfice of something by pressing an object into it.
NOUN. Several impression figures were found in the caves.
Fossil: The shape of a bone, a shell of a plant or animal that has been preserved in rock for a very long period.
NOUN. The shape of the fossil is a fish.
Tar: A black substance, sticky when hot, used especially for making roods.
NOUN. This lake tar is very big.
Cast: On object made by pauring hot liquid into a container and leaving it to become solid.
NOUN. This cast is blue.
Footprint: The mark made by person's or animal's foot.
NOUN. You left many footprints in the sand.
Sediment: A soft substance consists a solid material botton of a liquid.
NOUN. In the sediment there have been many sand.
Mineral: A valuable or useful chemical substancethat is formed naturally in the gound.
NOUN. The mineral is purple.
Mud: Earth that has been mixed with water.
NOUN. You guys be careful on this road there is mud.
Carbon: a chemical element that exists in its pure form as diamond or graphite.
NOUN. It's good that we buy a lot of carbon to make hasada meat.
Amber: A hard, transparent, yellowish-brown substance that was formated in ancient times from resin (= a substance producted by trees ) and is usedd in jewellery
NOUN. The amber can be orange or yellow in color.
Crab: A sea creature with five pairs of legs and a round, flat body covered by a shell, or its flesh eaten as food.
NOUN. That crab wants to press me.
Trilobite: A simple, flat sea creature that lived in the earliest period of life on earth, with a hard outer layer and a body in three parts.
NOUN. The trilobite is very small.
Sponge: A soft substance that is full of small holes and can absorb a lot of liquid, and is used for washing and cleaning.
NOUN. I bought a very soft sponge.
Horseshoe: A U-shaped piece of metal is attached to the bottom of a horse's hoof to protect it.
NOUN. The horseshoe is very hard.
Fish: An animals that lives in water is, covered with scales, and breathes by talking water in through its mouth, or the fresh thense animals eates is food.
NOUN. The fish is very blue.
Dinosaur: A type of reptile that became about 65, 000, 000 years ago.
NOUN. The dinosaur is very wild.