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The Commonwealth

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which countries could be members of the Commonwealth?
Countries which were part of the British Empire.
What percentage of the world economy are the economies of the countries of the Commonwealth?
Name ONE of the smallest nations in the Commonwealth.
Tuvalu and Nauru
Name TWO of the largest nations of the Commonwealth by population.
India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Bangladesh
What percentage of the world's population live in the Commonwealth?
Name at least TWO of the objectives of the Commonwealth.
To work together in the economy - To defend democracy - To defend human rights
Who has been the Secretary General of the Commonwealth since 2015?
Patricia Scotland
How many countries is Queen Elizabeth II head of state of?
How many members has the Commonwealth got nowadays?
When was the Commonwealth founded?
In 1926
How was the Commonwealth originally called?
The British Commonwealth