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Ch 22 and 23 Anc. Rome

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Label number 4
Eastern Roman Empire
Label number 3
Label number 2
Label number 1
Western Roman Empire
What two things did Jesus' death do for those who believe in Him?
Atoned for their sin and received forgiveness, had the promise of eternal life
Christianity serves one god. This is known as?
What is the sacred text of Christianity?
The bible
Part of the bible? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
A sacred text of Christianity? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
A sacred text in two religions? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
Old Testament
Includes the story of Judaism? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
Old Testament
Parts are written by Paul? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
New Testament
Includes the gospels? New Testament, Old Testament, or both
New Testament
Why was Jesus called "Christ"?
Greek word for Messiah and his followers believed He had come to save them
Associated with Christianity? Jesus, Paul, or Both?
Jewish boy born in Bethlehem. Jesus, Paul, or Both?
Messenger of the Christian faith in Greece, Asia Minor, and Rome. Jesus, Paul, or Both?
Jew who later converted to Christianity Jesus, Paul, or Both?
Christians believed him to be the son of God. Jesus, Paul, or Both?
Compare Roman religion to Greek. (Name 3 similarities)
gods had human-like qualities, polytheistic, gods played important roles in everyday life
What happened to the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the west?
It lasted for 1,000 more years known as the Byzantine empire
How did the Western Roman Empire end?
waves of Germanic barbarian tribes swept through and eventually overthrew the emperor
Why was the capital moved to Constantinople? (2 reasons)
excellent harbor for trade, good natural defenses
Who moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople?
Why did Diocletian split the Roman Empire
Became too large to manage by one seat of government
Who split the Roman empire into two empires?
Name 3 Reasons for the ending of the Pax Romana
weakened economy, corrupt politicians, military influence of government