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Aviation English Time!

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does it mean defibrillator? When do they use it?
an apparatus used to control heart fibrillation by application of an electric current to the chest wall or heart.
What could we have inside a medical kit? Name 4 items.
bandages, aspirin, cardiopulmonory resuscitation, syringes, defibrillator
What does it mean “starboard” as a direction in a plane? What is the opposite of it?
The "right" direction of a plane is called starboard. The opposite is "port" which means left.
What does it mean PSU?
Passenger Service Unit
What does it mean a dedicated lounge? Which class can have a dedicated lounge?
It is where first class passengers wait apart from standard waiting area.
What does it mean duty-free items? Explain.
They are tax- free items you can buy in an international flight
Name 2 different medical diets and who should eat them?
Gluten free - low fat - diabetic - bland (non-spicy) etc. - peanut free
If someone is Jewish, what kind of diet could they usually prefer?
What is the difference between a soft drink vs hot drink? Give 2 examples for both of them.
Soft/cold drinks are drinks without alcohol. They could be cold or fizzy. Hot drinks are only hot.
What does it mean complimentary?
What are the qualities of a good flight attendant? Name 3 different qualities and explain why.
What kind of requests do flight attendants have on a flight? Name 2 of them.
Who should the flight attendant give special care on a flight? (Name 1 only.)
very old people/ young people traveling alone/ injured or ill people
If we do not understand the passenger, what can we do? Give an example.
"I didn't catch that. I am sorry. Can you repeat please?" etc.
What is the synonym of torch in American English?
This is protective head coverings which has a filter system to protect from dangerous smoke gases.
smoke hood
This is a portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other material put out the fire.
fire extinguisher
This is an ergonomic multi-purpose tool system that used for forcible entry, extraction, and rescue.
crash axe
This is found on passenger aircraft to provide a means of evacuation onto the wing. They are smaller than emergency exits.
Overwing hatch
This is the part of the plane where goods are carried.
Cargo hold
What is the part of the aircraft where passengers are seated called?
When are the passengers required to wear a seat belt?
during take off/ landing/ turbalance
……… is located in front of the aircraft from where the pilots control the aircraft.
This is part of the plane where food and drinks are prepared.