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Vacation Game

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like going out with their family.
What does he like doing during his vacation?
He likes waking up late / taking a nap.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes relaxing at home.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like going to summer camp.
What does he like doing during his vacation?
He likes taking a trip.
What does he like doing during his vacation?
He likes waking up late / taking a nap.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes relaxing / reading at home.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like going to summer camp.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like going to the countryside / farm.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes taking a trip.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes going to the countryside / farm.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like going to summer camp.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes waking up late / taking a nap.
What does he like doing during his vacation?
He likes relaxing / reading at home.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like hanging out / going out with their family.
What does she like doing during her vacation?
She likes taking a trip.
What does he like doing during his vacations?
He likes going to the countryside / to the farm.
What do they like doing during their vacation?
They like visiting relatives.