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BQ unit 7 grade 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Could or couldn't? Make an affirmative sentence: My sister _________(swim) when she was four.
My sister could swim when she was four
Could or couldn't? Make a negative sentence: I ____________(read) when I was two.
I couldn't read when I was two
Write the words in the correct order: watching TV/than/more/Reading/is/ educational
Reading is more educational than watching TV.
Write these words in the correct order to make a sentence: more/Chess/difficult/video games/is/than
Chess is more difficult than video games.
Write a comparative sentence using cheaper or expensive: The apples are ______________ than the bananas
The apples are more expensive than the bananas
It's the most expensive (write your answer)
It's the cheese.
It's the cheapest. (write your answer)
It's the milk
It's more expensive than the chicken, but it's cheaper than the cheese. It's _____. (write your answer)
It's the meat.
These phones are modern, they aren't _______________________
This game isn't boring. It's _____________.
Complete with is or isn't: Chess ____ difficult, it _____ easy.
Chess is difficult, it isn't easy.
What are they doing? Write your answer
They're eating noodles.
What are they doing? Write your answer
They're using computers (They're in ICT)
What are they doing? Write your answer
They're listening to music