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Natural and Manufactured Materials

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are your homes made from?
concrete / bricks
What are you clothes made from?
wool / cotton
What is fabric made from?
cotton / wool
What is metal made from?
What is glass made from?
What is plastic made from?
What is the opposite of transparent?
What is the opposite of flexible?
What is the opposite of soft?
What property does this have?
A ______ is made from _______
tent / fabric
A ____ is made from _______
hut / wood
An _______ is made from ________.
igloo / ice
What property does this have?
What property does this have?
What property does this have?
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
manufactured (glass)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
manufactured (fabric)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
manufactured (metal)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
manufactured (plastic)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
manufactured (paper)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natural (rock)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natural (sand)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natural (cotton)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natural (petroleum)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natual (wood)
Is this a natural or manufactured material?
natural (wool)