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Ancient Egypt Review

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What is mummification?
The preserving of a dead body so it can be made into a mummy
Name three things that might be buried with a pharaoh in his tomb?
Pets, amulets, gold, clothing, furniture, sarcophagus, jewelry
Why were children so important to the Ancient Egyptians?
All children were gifts from the god and goddesses
Why did parents give children amulets?
As protection from danger
Which god had only one eye?
What kinds of toys did the children play with?
Spinning tops, pull toys, board games, toy animals, dolls
Who owned most of the farmland and houses?
The pharaoh
Which god created the world and all the people?
Ra, the god of the sun and creation
What were some things that were dangerous to Ancient Egyptian children?
Crocodiles, scorpions, snakes, illness
If a child's parents died, what would happen to the child?
Another family would adopt the child
Why did the pharaoh's build temples?
To honour the gods and goddesses
Why was it important for Egyptians to keep a light heart and do good deeds?
So they could get passage to the Underworld after death
Who was Anubis?
The god of the Underworld
Around what age did girls get married?
Around the age of 12-16
What was a vizier's job?
To help the pharaoh run the kingdom
Around what age did boys leave home to become soldiers?
Around age 6 or 7
Why were the social classes shown in the shape of a pyramid?
The classes got bigger from the top (pharaoh) to the bottom (slaves).
What was a scribe's job?
To write down everything that happened in the kingdom
Name three sports the Ancient Egyptians played.
Fishing, archery, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, weight-lifting, field hockey
Which boys went away to school to become scribes?
The boys of the richest families
What did the Ancient Egyptians call a coffin?
What goes inside a canopic jar?
A body organ