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deliberate: We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while.
Adjective "I won't stand for these deliberate attacks on my reputation," said the politician.
public property: The cost of repairing the damage to public property following the earthquake has soared.
Noun Half of the north-west's timber land is public property.
illegally They entered the country illegally.
adverb He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his illegal activities
damage: Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.
Verb This is damage to the blood vessels in your kidneys
robbery: The gang admitted they had committed four recent bank robberies.
Noun We believe there was a third person involved in the robbery.
assaults: The number of indecent assaults has increased alarmingly over the past year.
Noun Every 2 minutes, there's a sexual assault in this country.
threatening: As the threatening clouds approached, the winds suddenly blew up into a blinding snowstorm.
Adjective Terrorism continues to threaten the security of all free nations
arrest: to put a suspected criminal in custody
Verb The bank robber was arrested by the police
theft: Unfortunately, we have had several thefts in the building recently.
Noun Brandon was arrested for auto theft.
vandalize: to deliberately damage or destroy property
Verb all the public phones had been vandalized
steal: to take something that belongs to someone else without permission
Verb she stole a dress from the store
shoplift: to steal goods on display in a store while appearing to shop there
Verb the manager saw the teenagers shoplift and called the police
rob: to take something that doesnĀ“t belong to you, usually secretly or by force
Verb the house next door was robbed
pickpocket: to steal money and other things from peopleĀ“s pockets and purses
Noun the woman was pickpocketed in the mall food court.
mug: to threaten or employ violence on someone, often in a public place, in order to steal the personĀ“s belongings
Verb he was mugged on his way back from work
kidnap: to seize and hold someone by force, usually in order to demand money in return for the personĀ“s release
Verb the lawyer was kidnapped by his client
hack: to access a computer system without permission
Verb the criminal hacked into the bankĀ“s computer system to transfer money to himself
commit arson: to intentionally burn property
Verb he committed arson, got caught and was sent to prison
burglarize: to enter a building illegally to steal things
Verb my house was burglarized yesterday
blackmail: to demand money from a person by threatening to reveal information that would harm the personĀ“s reputation.
Noun Mayor Jones was blackmailed by someone who claimed to have proof that the mayor had stolen money from the city.