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Spring Fling

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A newly hatched chicken. Starts with a "C."
Flown at the end of a string on a windy day. Starts with a "K."
Would you rather have to waddle like a duck wherever you go, or have to hop like a bunny wherever you go?
I would rather...
Would you rather plant vegetables in a garden, or hike in the woods?
I would rather...
Would you rather have feathers like a bird all over your body, or have bunny ears and a cotton tail?
I would rather...
Every Spring, students get a week off from school. What is this called?
Spring Break.
Fourth of July.
After it rains, you might see this in the sky.
A rainbow.
A car.
Baseball begins in Spring. What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is...
Flowers bloom in Springtime. Name 2 types of flowers.
Roses, daisies, tulips, lilies
Would you rather catch a frog and enter it in a frog-jumping contest, or make a kite and enter it in a kite-flying contest?
I would rather...
Tell us your favorite thing to do in Springtime.
I like to ________. (have a picnic, ride a Bike, go hiking, plant flowers, go to the park)
What is something you need if you go out in the rain?
Umbrella, Raincoat, Rain Boots
Flip flops, bathing suit, beach ball
What season comes after SPRING?
Would you rather be allergic to grass, or allergic to chocolate?
I would rather be...
What holiday in Spring includes looking for a pot of gold and wearing green?
St. Patrick's Day
Would you rather get only chocolate candy or sour candy in your Easter basket?
I would rather get...