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NSG223 Exam 4 Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To be eligible for hospice care, the patient would have a life expectancy of less than or equal to ___.
6 months
What type of end-of-life awareness is defined as the family and healthcare workers aware of impending death but not the patient?
Closed awareness
What are the 5 stages of grief?
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance
Define apraxia.
Inability to perform previously learned action; difficulty word-finding
Define dysphagia.
Difficulty swallowing
Define dysarthria.
Difficulty speaking
Define aphasia.
inability to express oneself or understand language
What is the main symptom that differentiates ischemic stroke vs. hemorrhagic stroke?
EXTREME headache
When should thrombolytic therapy occur after ischemic stroke?
Within 3 hours
What does each letter of BEFAST stand for?
Balance, Eyes, Facial droop, Arm weakness, Speech, time
Which eye disorder is caused by increased ocular pressure?
Which form of meningitis if most contagious?
What is Brudzinski's sign?
when laying flat, lift neck up and legs go up also
What is a Kernig Sign?
resistance to leg extension when laying down and lifting leg
Which disorder is characterized by lens opacity?
Which condition is monitored using the Amsler grid?
Macular Degeneration
What is extravasation?
IV medication/fluid leaks outside the vein
Which chemotherapy interferes with biosynthesis of metabolites or nucleic acids necessary for RNA and DNA synthesis?
Which chemotherapy induce breaks in DNA strand by binding to topoisomerase, preventing cells from dividing?
Topoisomerase Inhibitors
What is the goal of adjuvant therapy chemotherapy?
destroy remaining tumor cells after surgery
What is stage 2 cancer?
Cancer has grown but has not spread
What does T1 N1, M0 mean?
Tumor size, near lymph node spread, no metastasis
Explain the lung cancer screening guidelines.
Age 55+ with 30 pack/year smoking history; currently smoking or quit within 15 years
At what age is mammography currently recommended for screening for breast cancer for someone without a family history.
Depends on who you ask. Can start at age 40; 45-54 yearly; 55+ biannual
List ways to prevent cancer.
Healthy diet/lifestyle/weight; vaccines; screening; no smoking; avoid environmental exposure