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Cell Theory & Parts of a Cell

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What are the products (things made) in photosynthesis ?
1. glucose 2.oxygen
What are the reactants (ingredients) in photosynthesis ?
1. sunlight, 2.water, 3. carbon dioxide
The bubonic Plague was caused by infected fleas bitting humans, this is an example of what type of disease spread?
Typhoid Mary is an example of an infectious disease spreading through a _________ carrier
Look at Image A, What is the name of the 12 subunits?
Amino Acids molecules
Look at Image B, What is the name of the 12 subunits?
Sugar molecules
Look at Image B, What is the name of the large molecule ?
Carbohydrate Chain!
33. True or False: All plants have the same number of chloroplast in each cell.
False. Amount of chloroplast depends on the plants energy needs
31. Inside what organelle do plant cells convert Carbon-dioxide , Water, & energy from the Sun into Glucose & Oxygen?
Look at Image A, What is the name of the large molecule ?
Proteins Chain!
27. True or False: Digestion begins in the mouth, but most breakdown happens in the stomach and small intestine.
What is the order of levels of organization in organisms, from least complex to most complex?
Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, to organisms
What is a tissue?
collection of cells
how can infectious disease can be contracted? (3 ways ) 
contact with a vector, Carrier (both symptomatic and symptomatic )
True or False : Viral infection can cause an infectious disease .
What does unicellular mean? provide an example of a unicellular organism.
An organism made up of only one cell, example bacteria.
True or False: All Multicellular organism are Eukaryotes
What organelle am I? - I control What goes in and out of the cell
Cell membrane
What organelle am I? - my job is to separate the nucleus from the cytoplasm .
Nuclear membrane
What organelle am I? - I am responsible for providing energy to the cell by using food and oxygen (Cellular respiration)
What organelle am I? - I am the control center of the cell, inside of me you will find genetic material DNA
What type of cell am I?
What type of cell am I?
What organelles are Shared by both animal & plant cells ?
Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Nuclear membrane, Nucleus , Mitochondria
(ANIMAL VS PLANT CELLS) What organelles are only unique to only plant cells ? *HINT ONLY 2**
Chloroplast & Cell Wall
True or False. The germ theory states that diseases are caused by microorganism.
All Cells come from __________ Cells
Pre-existing/ other cells