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SH sound in Phrases

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a lot of cash
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a clown fish
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a broken dish
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a red mushroom
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
an itchy rash
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a big ship
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a clam shell
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a chocolate milkshake
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a black shirt
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a fish hook
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a box of tissues
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a great white shark
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a snow shovel
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a brown shoe
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a white sheep
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a tooth________
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a birthday wish
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a trash can
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a big splash
Read the phrase using good sh sounds!
a red radish