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question formation

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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music to does what Jane kind like listening of ?
What kind of music does Jane like listening to?
tell when you train next leaves the Could me ?
Could you tell me when the next train leaves?
friend known long best How you your ?
How long have you known your best friend?
I should her tell I feel how ?
Should I tell her how I feel?
tomorrow why can't come you ?
Why can't you come tomorrow?
_________ play your music so loud? I can't concentrate. (you / have to)
Do you have to play your music so loud? I can't concentrate.
Why ___________ the present you gave him? (your brother /not like)
Why didn't your brother like the present you gave him?
Do you know what time ______________ on Saturdays? (the swimming pool / open)
Do you know what time he swimming pool opens on Saturdays? (the swimming pool / open)
Who _________ the last biscuit? (eat)
Who ate the last biscuit?
What kind of work _______? (your sister /do)
What kind of work does your sister do?
__________ your trip to Paris last weekend? (you/enjoy)
Did you enjoy your trip to Paris last weekend? (you/enjoy)
Can you remember where __________ my car this morning? (I/park)
Can you remember where I parked my car this morning?
Could you tell me how much ___________? (this book / cost)
Could you tell me how much this book costs?
Who ________ Oliver Twist? (write) (Question type?)
Who wrote Oliver Twist? -subject question.
How often _________ exercise? (you /usually do) (Type of question?)
How often do you usually do exercise? -Object question
Where ___________ on holiday last year? (you/go)
Where did you go on holiday last year?