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When Congress follows up on the laws it has enacted, it is exercising...?
What is the Delegate Model? (view of representation)
Congress should behave as instructed delegates and should always have the same views as the majority of the constituents who elected them.
A member's request for a special appropriation for projects back home that are attached to a bill to gain votes is known as a(n)
What is the job of a conference committee?
to reconcile House and Senate versions of a bill
What was the result of Baker v. Carr (1961)?
The Supreme Court ruled that all state districts must be equal in population (Baker won :))
Why does the House have stricter rules than the Senate?
It's bigger (100 senators and 435 House members), so more people to keep in line.
Which amendments to the Constitution give additional powers to Congress? (name at least 3 for points!!!)
12th, 16th, 20th, and 25th
What is the Trustee Model? (view of representation)
legislators should act as trustees of the broad interests of the entire society and vote against narrow iterests of their constituents if they feel they should
What was the purpose in establishing a bicameral Congress?
It established a balanced legislature with membership in the House based on population and members of Senate based on equality of states,
List the unique powers/features of the Senate. (needs at least 1 listed to get points!)
confirms presidential nominations, ratifies treaties, holds impeachment trials, uses the filibuster & cloture
List the unique powers/features of the House of Representatives. (needs at least 1 listed to get points!)
power to impeach, where revenue bills start, Rules Committee
If 60 Senators vote to stop the debate, a filibuster can be ended and a vote will be held. What is this called?
Which side of Congress is designed to represent the states in proportion to its population, and how many members does it have? (needs both correct for points!!)
House of Representatives - 435 members
Which side of Congress is designed to represent the states equally, and how many members does it have? (needs both correct for points!!)
Senate - 100 members (2 per state)
At what point in the bill making process do most bills die?
Most bills die when they go first to a standing committee and then are assigned to a subcommittee.
How often is a census taken & how does this impact Congress? (need both correct for points!!)
Taken every 10 years, the census can cause states to lose seats in the House of Representatives through redistricting.
List the 3 requirements to be in the Senate.
30+ years old, US citizen for 9+ years, resident of the state
List the 3 requirements to be in the House of Representatives.
at least 25 years old, US citizen for at least 7 years, live in state and district which elected to represent
List economic powers of Congress. (needs at least 2 correct for points)
Impose taxes and tariffs, establish import tariffs, borrow money, regulate interstate commerce, coin and print money, determine the value of currency
These party leaders work with the majority and minority leaders to count votes before they are cast and rely on waverers to vote in favor of the bill
This Supreme Court case allowed districts to consider race when redrawing their boundaries in the hopes of electing a minority leader.
Shaw v. Reno (1993)
This is used by political parties to draw district boundaries to favor its own candidates in elections and to control as many districts as possible.
Name the tactic by which opponents of a piece of legislation use their right to unlimited debate as a way to prevent a majority from passing a bill.
Who sets procedural rules and reviews bills coming from a House committee before they go before the entire House?
House Rules Committee
What is the term for federal projects, grants, or contracts made available in a congressional district or state?
pork barrel legislation
What are individuals currently holding office and running for reelection?