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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You think your mom would like to join you and your dad on the picnic. Check with her if she would like to join you and your dad on the picnic.
Wouldn't you like to join us on the picnic?
you and your friend just ordered two cookies. You think you two will still be hungry. Check with your friend if he agrees that you will still be hungry.
Won't we still be hugry?
Check with the supermarket employee if there are any kids' restrooms in the supermarked.
Aren't there any kids' restrooms in the supermarked?
Check with the supermarket employee if there are any kids' restrooms in the supermarked.
Aren't there any kids' restrooms in supermarket?
You think Guga Kuerten won a lot of Roland Garros tennis tournaments. Check with your friend if he agrees that Guga Kuerten won a lot of tennis tournaments.
Didn't Guga Kuerten win a lot of tennis tournaments?
You see a man on the street and you think he is Guga Kuerten, the tennis player. Check with your friend if that is Guga Kuerten, the tennis player.
Isn't that Guga Kuerten, the tennis player?
Your friend is not eating the hot dogs you offered him. Check with him if he doesn't like hot dogs.
Don't you like hot dogs?
You don't feel well today. Check with your mom if you should stay home today.
Shouldn't I stay home today?