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Flower Power!

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do pollinators visit plants? What are they after?
Do pollinators visit plants to eat pollen?
What is the job of the sepal?
to protect the flower before it blooms
What is the job of the petals?
to attract pollinators with their bright colors
Name 3 examples of pollinators.
bats, bees, birds, butterflies
What is a pollinator?
An animal that transfers pollen between flowers.
What is the pistol?
The long tube like female part that holds the ovary.
What is the stamen?
The long tube like male part of a flower that the anther is attached to.
True / False: There can only be one ovule.
How does pollen help a plant reproduce?
When pollen is transfered to the ovary and meets an ovule, a seed grows into a fruit. Pollinators transfer the pollen.
What is on top of the anther?
The female part of the flower consists of which 3 parts?
pistol, ovary, and the ovules (eggs)
The male part of the flower consists of which two parts
stamen and anther
A flower's main job is to help with __________________.
True / False: Flowers can have both male and female parts.