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ENGLISH 4 - Lesson 3 Conversation - CCAA

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ask _______ question using the nicest/prettiest/largest . . .
personal answer
ask ______ questions using: bigger/taller/deeper than
personal answer
ask ________ if his/her bedroom is decorated with posters.
personal answer
Ask _____ who the prettiest girl in her/his family is.
personal answer
Ask ______ if she is taller than her mom.
personal answer
Create the question: " No, Brazil is hotter than the U.S. in January."
personal answer
Create the question: " My brother is the tallest person in my family"
personal answer
Create the question: "No, my bedroom is bigger than my sister's bedroom."
personal answer
Create the question: " He usually wears blue swimming trunks when he goes to the pool"
personal answer
Create the question: " I like to go to the beach in the summer."
personal answer
Tell us about something a friend did gor you that was extremely nice.
personal answer
What kind of bathing suit do you wear when you go to the beach?
I usually wear . . .
Are you allowed to use your cellphone in class?
No, I'm not allowed to use my cellphone in class, except when playing games.
What is the second largest city in Brazil?
personal answer
What is the largest City in Brazil?
personal answer
Name two big schools in Uberaba and compare them.
personal answer
Who is taller, you or your father/mother/girlfriend/boyfriend?
personal answer