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Vocabulary 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-All the music have notes
1.-This part of the sing have a good note
1.-I like the saound of the double bass
2.-Play the double bass look very dificult
1.-The clarinet is like a flute
2.-Calamardo have a clarinet
1.-I like the tune of the videogamedes
2.-When i like a tune y sing this every day
1.-I have a strange instrument because are in/out of tune
2.-When mi instrumen are in tune sound very beatiful
1.-Y play with my cellphone
2.-Play with a rope is funny
1.-The person we are famous to sing are singers
2.-In the musical movies the characters sing
1.-The music give harmony an make me happy
2.-The harmony give peace por the world
1.-The music have a melody
2.-I like to sing the melody of the music
1.-A cello is a instrument
2.-The cello is similar to the fiddle
1.- the on/ off pitch is the sounds of a normal instrument
2.- The teacher of music explains to me on/ off pitch
1.- In a perform a person is the conduct
2.- The perform guide the other people
1.- When you make a musical you use a record
2.- I dont have a record
1.- Tempo put speed to the music
2.- In my bocine i have a tempo
1.- When you make music you compose the letter
2.- A person compose the rythm of the music
1.- The singers make music
2.- The instruments make music
1.- When i hear rhythm i dance
2.- The rythm make me move at the same time
1.-The music have many beat
2.-i love hear beat in music
1.-I see perform 1 time
2.- I like the perform
1.- I have a nice instrument
2.- I learn about instruments in expresion artistic