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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the collective name for knives, folks and spoons?
'I couldn't eat another bite, I'm _____.'
What is the meaning of 'annoying' and name someone who you think is annoying.
Annoying: when something/someone irritates you. Jessica is annoying because...
Name 3 people that inspire you and tell us why.
What is another word for 'awkward'?
What is a word to describe food that tastes like chilli?
Spicy or hot
What is a group of houses or apartment buildings called?
An estate
''I see, that's good to know.'' 'I see' in this sentence shows that you understand, true of false?
____that resturant over there? I've just got a new job there!
You see
George and I ______(already, write) the first draft.
have already written
______(you/do) your homework?
Have you done
What's the meaning of 'to dispose of something'?
To throw something away.
Complete this sentence 'Dani, you're in the driver's ____ with this project!'
'To pass out' on the sofa means to pass the time watching TV. True of False?
What's the expression for saying that there are too many 'bosses' that want to control everything in a group?
''Too many cooks spoil the broth.''
The turn up for the Cancer run was great! What does 'turn up' refer to?
The attence of an event.
The football match is about to kick off, come quick! What does 'kick off' mean in the above sentence?
To begin
What characteristic does this describe: 'this person is adaptable is always changing and progressing.
Correct this sentence: ''They said us to ask at the front desk.''
The told us to ask the the front desk.
This expression means you are planning something in the future.
"It's in the pipeline.''