Edit Game
5th Grade: Unit 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ________ to get good grades on the exam.
He _________ to learn how to speak English in the future.
He studied very hard and _________ to get a 10 on his exam.
They ________ to win the football match in the end.
She ______ us to bring paper and pencils to class.
They ________ to leave because it was too loud.
She ________ to go snowboarding.
I have always ________ to go skydiving.
My friend ________ me to have dinner at her house.
My mom ______ me to come to dinner.
They _______ not to go to the park because it was raining.
They decided not to go to the park....
The teacher ________ us to study before the exam.
The teacher told us to study before the exam.
We invited _________ (them, come) to the party.
We invited them to come to the party.
I asked (she/not/call) __________ so late in the evening. I go to bed early.
I asked her not to call so late in the evening. I go to bed early.
Nobody wanted ______ (go) to the conference, but our boss forced (we/go) ______.
Nobody wanted to go to the conference, but our boss forced us to go.
Please tell (he/not/smoke) __________ here – it's not allowed.
Please tell him not to smoke here – it's not allowed.
Tom wanted (I/help) _________ him prepare his presentation.
Tom wanted me to help him prepare his presentation.
My teacher told (I/do) ________ my homework before Friday.
My teacher told me to do my homework before Friday.
We / someone / to / us. / need / help
We need someone to help us.
He / his assistant / told / send / to / the parcel.
He told his assistant to send the parcel.
She / me / to / advice. / give / some / asked / her
She asked me to give her some advice.
They helped their neighbour ________ his car.
to fix / to buy / to drive
We ________ lock all the doors before we leave.
must / have to
She ________ do this work today, because she can't do it tomorrow.
You ________ smoke inside the school.
You can borrow my new dress, but you ________ get it dirty.
We _______ rush. We've got plenty of time.
don't have to
She ____________ do her washing because her mother does it for her.
doesn't have to
John's a millionaire. He _______ go to work.
doesn't have to
Children _________ tell lies. It's very naughty.
The museum is free. You _________ pay to get in.
don't have to
You _________ tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
You _____ listen to the teacher.
must / have to
He / friends / come / party. / to / his / wanted / to
He wanted his friends to come to his party.
She / him / to / message. / a / send / asked / her
She asked him to send her a message.
We / to / them / come / party. / invited / to
We invited them to come to the party.
He / the / police / look / to / under / told / the / box.
He told the police to look under the box.
The / helped / islanders / to / their / find/ dog. / rangers / the
The rangers helped the islanders to find their dog.
We all wanted __________ more English classes.
to have
I decided _______ home as soon as possible.
to go
She wanted the children ________ the piano.
to learn, to play
She decided _______ at home.
to stay