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Desi travel from Town A to Town B by car. The distance between Town A and Town B is 260 km and the car speed is 65 km/h. She departs from Town A at 12.30. What time Desi arrives at Town B?
A car travels from K to L and then to M. The car takes 3 hours to travel from K to L at an average speed of 85 km/h. Then travels 145 km from L to M at an average speed of 72,5 km/h. find the average speed
80 km/h
Tina travel from Town A to Town B by car. The distance between Town A and Town B is 175 km and the car speed is 70 km/h. She departs from Town A at 12.30. What time Desi arrives at Town B?
Distance = 380 km ; Speed = 76 hours ; time = ... min
300 minutes
The distance between Town A and Town B is 336 km. A car needs 4 hours to travel from Town A to Town B. Find the speed of the car!
84 km/h
Distance = 528 km ; Time = 6 hours ; Speed = … km/h
88 km/h
Mr David drives his motorcycle at a speed of 80 km/h. At this speed, how far does Mr David travel in 3.5 hours?
280 km
A birthday party ended at 22.00. It lasted 3 h 25 min. At what time did the birthday party start?
Sindy took 1 h 45 min to make some cake for her mom. She started baking at 08.45. At what time did she finish baking?
John began his Science lesson at 10.25. He finished the lesson in 45 minutes later. At what time did John finish his Science lesson?
Wendy ended her piano class at 16.15. Her piano class lasted 30 minutes. At what time did Wendy begin her piano class?
Write the following times using the 12-hour clock : 23.25
11.25 p.m.
Write the following times using the 12-hour clock : 17.39
5.39 p.m.
Write the following times using the 24-hour clock : 8.23 a.m.
Write the following times using the 24-hour clock : 7.45 p.m.
What time is it?
What time is it?
What time is it?