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Vocabulary 2 unit 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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neighborhood: the area of a town that surrounds somene's home, or the people who live in this area.
Noun: Some thought it to be such a bizarre design for a residential neighborhood, it was mistaken for a sanitarium or hospital.
famous: know and recognized by many people
adjective: That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.
share: to have or use something at the same time as someone else
verb: The club provides a forum for people who share an interest in local history.
invisible: impossible to see
adjective: Not knowing what to expect, they circled around, like cats stalking invisible birds.
sprinkle: very small pieces of colured sugar or chocolate used as a decoration on the top of cakes.
verb: If you're using chives as a visual accent, just sprinkle a few over whatever you're accenting.
sand: a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts.
Noun: If it is very wet and you must sow, add some fine sand to the base of the drill.
rhinoceros: a very large, thicksnned animal from Africa or Asia that has one or two horns on its nose.
noun: The Javan rhinoceros has only a single horn.
history: past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject.
noun: The history of Buddhist education is long and complex.
legends: a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person.
noun: Here were two football powers who wrote the book on heroes and football legends, rewriting it in a game and on a stage like this.
lucid: clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or seaking clearly.
Adjective: In all his writings the fruits of observation and reflection were exhibited in lucid prose.
last night: The evening or night immediately before the present.
noun: A whistle-blower last night said a dodgy computer system was to blame for sparking travel chaos.
wake yourself up: to stop yourself from sleeping.
Verb: You need wake yourself up
think to yourself: to use the mind to form ideas, make decision or reason without speaking one's thoughts.
Verb: Just think to yourself that you've had a tough life, but you're still standing.
tell yourself: to describe something in words to yourself.
Verb: You tell yourself that you will never lose your head, but after a couple of weeks, you are throwing the clubs about again
see yourself: to imagine yourself as something else.
Verb: The dollhouse is all about the desire to see yourself miniaturized and living in a toy world.
remind yourself: to help yourself remember something.
Verb: Remind yourself how best music play.
look at yourself: to see yourself literally or figuratively
Verb: Get the look yourself with those shoes.
help yourself: to serve yourself something, usually food or drink, without waiting for permission or someone to do it for you
noun: One of the best ways to help yourself improve is to use a video camera to record your movements.
find yourself: to realize that you are in a particular thing, when you did not intend to
Verb: If this is one of your pranks again, then you will find yourself in deep trouble, buster.
enjoy yourself: To enjoy yourself is to feel happy because of a situation or an event in which you took part
Verb: One can’t enjoy oneself if one is too tired.