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Vocabulary 2 unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1-.I love the sound of the Double Bass
2-.played the Double Bass
1-.I don't like to play the clarinet
2-.ilike to play the clarinet
1-.touch the cello
2-.I love listening to the cello
1-.I put the tempo very short the music
2-. i het the tempo
1-. I already get the Tone on / off
2-.I don't get the Tone on/off
1-.I can't find the perfect note for my melody
2-.my cousin has the best note for my song
1-.my cousin has to play an In/Out of time to play the notes with the right tone.
2-.how can I play an In/Out of time to play the notes with the right tone.
1-.I love Beat
2-. i have Beat
1-.all singers use tune
2-.I use tune to make it easier to remember the melody :
1-.my mom likes to sing karaoke
2-.my aunt is going to sing karaoke
1-.I follow Rhythm of music
2-.I hate reggaeton rhythm
1-.I have to Record a song in Thai
2-.I have to record my little brother singing the lola cow
1-.i love Play the instrument
2-.my cousin doesn't like to play the instrument
1-.my brother goes Perform in a play
2-.master Perform in plays
1-.i love the music
2-.my cousin loves music
1-.I love the melody my mom hears
2-.I don't like the melody of my partner's solo
1-.I have many Instruments
2-.one or another Instruments
1-.I love mozart's harmony
2-.my harmony is very soft
1-. i have conduct
2-. I have good conduct because I lead or direct very well
1.-I have to compose a song for music
2-. I like to compose mucica