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Types of Caves

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What is speleology?
the study of caves
What kinds of animals can live in caves? (Name 3)
bats, insects, salamanders, fish, spiders, snakes
Name 4 types of caves.
solution caves, sea caves, lava caves, glacier caves, eolian caves and talus caves
An eolian cave is a cave made by __________.
A talus cave is a cave made by ________.
If lava makes a long tunnel, what is it called?
a lava tube
What else can form caves that isn't water? (Name 3)
lava, earthquakes, glaciers and wind
What is a stalactite?
a rock formation that hangs from the top of a cave
What is a stalagmite?
a rock formation that forms on the ground
What is one type of rock that can be dissolved by rainwater?
limestone, marble or gypsum
What does the acid in rain do?
dissolve certain rocks
Caves usually form when _______________ sinks into the ground.