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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the adverbial phrase on the sentence "Dad shouted truly happy to show his excitement."
truly happy & to show his excitement
Find the adverbial phrase on the sentence "As we were running along the cliffs at the edge of the sea, one of my friends fainted."!
along the cliffs & at the edge of the sea
Find the adverbial phrase on the sentence "Last Saturday, me and my friends were doing a five-kilometer run from downtown Victoria through Beacon Park to exercise our body."!
Last Saturday & to exercise our body
Find the adverbial phrase on the sentence "I parked the car right here under the bridge."!
right here & under the bridge
Find the adverbial phrase on the sentence "I bought the glue from the ACE Hardware to fix my broken lamp."!
from the ACE Hardware & to fix my broken lamp
Can you find the adjective phrase of the sentence "The mother was really anxious when she could not see her extremely precious children anywhere.
really anxious & extremely precious
Can you find the adjective phrase of the sentence "The big stripped mice caught in the tap were huge."?
big stripped & caught in the tap
Can you find the adjective phrase of the sentence "Tina lost her old dark brown briefcase full of money."?
old dark brown & full of money
Can you find the adjective phrase of the sentence "These extremely important letters must arrive tomorrow."?
extremely important
Can you find the adjective phrase of the sentence "Students upset about the rising cost of tuition held a protest."?
upset about the rising cost of tuition
Find the VP on the sentence "I was thinking about you all day but I was sure you were having fun with somebody else."!
was thinking & were having
Find the VP on the sentence "An apartment must have cost very expensive. Do we have enough money?"!
must have cost & do .. have
Find the VP on the sentence "Joko isn't taking any rest, he might collapse anytime soon."!
isn't taking & might collapse
Find the VP on the sentence "Joanna will go to America to learn English but her boyfriend doesn't want her to go."!
will go & doesn't want
Find the VP on the sentence "He has lived in New York for two years yet he still doesn't miss his family."!
has lived & doesn't miss
How many NP can you find on the sentence "Should we test-drive the blue truck on that new highway?"
2 (the blue truck & that new highway)
How many NP can you find on the sentence "The cat on top of the counter is getting ready to jump in the cold water."?
2 (The cat on top of the counter & the cold water)
How many NP can you find on the sentence "The woman standing by the tree is suspicious because he brings a big leather bag."?
2 (The woman standing by the tree & a big leather bag)
How many NP can you find on the sentence "Mickey’s roommate studies in the library on the weekends."?
3 (Mickey's roommate, the library, & the weekends)
How many NP can you find on the sentence "The students rested after their long trip."?
2 (the students & their long trip)
They won't play the match on Saturday; they've cancelled it. (make 2 passive voices)
The match won't be played on Saturday; it's been cancelled.
Don’t turn round! I think we _______________ (follow)!
are being followed
Smoking _______________ (not allow) on planes.
is not allowed
This photo __________________(take) by my grandfather when I was five.
was taken
The 2022 Football World Cup _______________ (hold) in Qatar.
will be held
The world’s first motorways _______________ (build) in Germany in the 1930s.
were built