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Subject / Object / Indirect Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bob bakes cakes. What is the object indirect question? I wonder . . .
I wonder what Bob bakes.
Bob bakes cakes. What is the subject indirect question? I wonder . . .
I wonder who bakes cakes.
Bob bakes cakes. What is the object question?
What does Bob bake?
Bob bakes cakes. What is the subject question?
Who bakes cakes?
Do you know what the time is? What is the direct question?
What is the time?
What is the time? Indirect question - Do you know . . .
Do you know what the time is?
Why is the beach closed? Indirect question - Could you explain to me . . .
Could you explain to me why the beach is closed?
How many students have done their homework? Make an indirect question. Do you have any idea . . .
Do you have any idea how many students have done their homework?
Could you tell me when the next train arrives? What is the direct question?
What time does the train arrive?
I am okay. Make a question to find out the feeling with a direct question.
How are you? How are you feeling?
I am okay. Make a subject question.
Who feels okay?
Are you coming to dinner tonight? Make an indirect question with, Could you tell me . . .
Could you tell me if/whether you are coming to dinner tonight?
No. I don't want to study this anymore. What is the indirect subject question? I wonder . . .
I wonder who doesn't want to study this anymore.
No. I don't want to study this anymore. What is the direct subject question?
Who doesn't want to study anymore?
No. I don't want to play this game anymore. What is the direct question?
Do you want to play this game anymore?
Where are you going to? What is the indirect question? Begin with, I wonder . . .
I wonder where you are going to.
I feel good. How do you ask about the feeling in a direct question?
How do you feel?
I feel terrible. What is the subject question?
Who feels terrible?