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The Price of Water

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can your friends and family do to save water?
Students' own answers
What actions can you take to save water at your school?
Students' own answers
What can you do to save water at your household?
Students' own answers
What aspects of the Project need improvement?
Students' own answrs
What did you enjoy the most about the Final Project?
Students' own answers
Are we running out of clean water?
Yes, we are. What can you do about it?
Can climate change affect sea animals?
Yes, it can. Explain how/ Give reasons for your answers.
Is there a direct connection between climate change and water scarcity?
Yes, there is. (Explain/Give examples)
What are the consequences of water scarcity?
Students' own answers
What were the two hottest years in history?
2016 and 2020
By 2030, people will have been given full access to adequate sanitation. True or False?
False Why?
How many Sustainable Development Goals will have United Nations achieved by 2050?
What percentage of the world's population has no adequate sanitation?
What percentage of the world's population uses unsafe drinking water?
How many people do you think have no access to adequate hygiene and toilets?
Approx. 2 billion
Can dirty water kill peole?
What social groups suffer the most from the impacts of poor hygiene?
The elderly, babies, and young women
How many times should we wash our hands?
Before a meal, after using the toilet, and when cooking.
Why is clean water essential for good hygiene?
To protect people from diseases.
Can lack of water start wars?
Yes, it can.
Why does lack of education affect each country's economy?
It is difficult for some people to get jobs that provide steady income.
How does water crisis affect children's education?
They are less likely to be able to study to the level needed to enter a college or university.
Water crisis has the biggest impact on ....
Your health
How many people have no access to clean water?
Around 785 million