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vocabulary 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rodrigo Fabian Cano, double bass and Héctor Ocampo, piano.
Rodrigo Fabian Cano, double bass and Héctor Ocampo, piano.
Moacir Santos began his clarinet studies with 11 years.
Moacir Santos began his clarinet studies with 11 years.
David plays the cello with one of the local orchestras.
David plays the cello with one of the local orchestras.
You can also add tempo changes using the Tempo track.
You can also add tempo changes using the Tempo track.
My delegation has taken note of the resolution on development.
My delegation has taken note of the resolution on development.
The community has a swimming pool, football pitch and tennis.
The community has a swimming pool, football pitch and tennis.
Lydia has a personality of zero, even Ashley the beat.
Lydia has a personality of zero, even Ashley the beat.
Our lives are tranquil and in tune with the Creator.
Our lives are tranquil and in tune with the Creator.
Many people believe that the Psalms are good to sing.
Many people believe that the Psalms are good to sing.
With Power Sound Editor can edit, record and mix sound.
With Power Sound Editor can edit, record and mix sound.
With Power Sound Editor can edit, record and mix sound.
With Power Sound Editor can edit, record and mix sound.
n play all these operations with the help of mouse.
n play all these operations with the help of mouse.
can perform all these operations with the help of mouse.
can perform all these operations with the help of mouse.
With Amazon Music for Mac, your music is the star.
With Amazon Music for Mac, your music is the star.
The melody is a very important element in my music.
The melody is a very important element in my music.
The instrument reported an adequate level of internal consistency (.94).
The instrument reported an adequate level of internal consistency (.94).
A privileged location, perfect to live with tranquility and harmony.
A privileged location, perfect to live with tranquility and harmony.
What is the product or service affected by this conduct?
What is the product or service affected by this conduct?
You compose your own salad and then pay by weight.
You compose your own salad and then pay by weight.