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vocabulary 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. In the expression artistic class they teach a to tune
2. The tune it serves of do music
1. This melody is bery good
2. This melody is bery relax
1. This people play a electronic guitar
2. This people play piano
1. The cello is a brother the double bass
2. This cello is small
1. This people sing very good
2. This is a new sing
1. The double bass is very big
2. The double bass is the color brown
1. This clarinet is long
2. This clarinet is the color black
1. This music have a note musical
2. The music use a note musical
1. This rythm have a harmony
2. This music have a harmony melody
1. This instruments have a in/out of time
2. This act has an in/out of time
1. A electronics instuments have a on/off
2. Radios have a on/off
1. the orchestras have a conduct
2. Conduct has a use a elegant suit
1. T he singer record you sing
2. The singers record your next album
1. In the studys have a tempo of music
2. The DJ tempo your rythm
1. The singers compose tour music
2. The compose singers write your world
1. The music is very entertaining
2. The lectronic music is ver good
1. This is a good rhythm
2. The music have a rythm
1. The DJ beat a music
2 The remix is a beat of the original music
1. The singers use a perform
2. The actor use a perform
1. The singers use instruments
2. The Beethoven use a instrument