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Doraemon wants to empty the aquarium measuring 60 cm by 50 cm by 30 cm that full of water. A tap drains the water at 6 litre per minute. How long does it take to empty the aquarium?
15 minute
An aquarium measuring 90 cm by 50 cm by 40 cm is filled with water from a tap at 500 ml per second. How long will it take to fill up the aquarium until it is full? (answer in minute)
6 minute
An aquarium measuring 90 cm by 50 cm by 40 cm is filled with water from a tap at 300 ml per second. How long will it take to fill up the aquarium until it is full? (answer in minute)
10 minute
Water flows into the swimming pool at 15 litre/min. It takes 2.5 hours to fill the swimming pool. How much water in the swimming pool?
2250 litre
A Tank with volume 2400 litre is fill with water. The water is flowing through a tap at 8 litre/min. How long it is needed to fill the tank until it is full? (answer it in … h … min)
5 h 0 m
A Tank with volume 1400 litre is fill with water. The water is flowing through a tap at 20 litre/min. How long it is needed to fill the tank until it is full? (answer it in … h … min)
1 hour 10 minutes
Water is flowing into a aquarium at 18 litres/min. How much water will there be in the aquarium after 3 hour?
3240 litre
Water is flowing into a tank at 25 litres/min. How much water will there be in the tank after 2 hour?
3000 litre
Debit = 12 litre/min ; Time = 2 hour Volume = … litre
Volume = 640 litre Debit = 4 litre/s Time = … m … s
2 m 40 s
Volume = 560 litre Time = 8 hours Debit = … litre/h