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Vocabulary 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Double bass: The double bass is quite large.
I love the double bass.
Clarinet: I don't like the clarinet.
My uncle love the clarinet.
Cello: I love the cello.
My mom hate the cello.
Tempo: The tempo is very fast.
The tenpo is slow.
On / Off pitch: The Off pitch is very far.
The on pitch is full.
Note: The notes in my music class are very long.
My notes are very difficult.
In / Out of tune: My guitar is out of tune.
The cello with my uncle is out of tune.
Beat: I like to beat my brother in games.
When we beat my dad it's so much fun.
Tune: I like the piano tune .
I hate the clarinet melody.
Sing: I love sing.
My brother hates to sing.
Rhythm: I like the rhythm of the drums.
I don´t like the rhythm with cello.
Record: I don´t like record.
My brother like record.
Play: My friend play the guitar.
I like play the cello.
Perform: Perform things not segure is dangerous.
Perform is difficult.
Music: I love the music.
My brother didn't like music.
Melody: The melody of the pianos is relaxing.
I don´t like the melody with cello.
Instrument: The instruments are beautiful.
I love the instruments.
Harmony: The harmony in my family is perfect.
My harmony is good.
Conduct: My conduct is good.
My uncles conduct is very bad.
Compose: I like compose songs.
My brother not like compose.