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Repaso para el examen de inglés.

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The weather today is worse / badder than it was yesterday
María is _________ than Fernando (taler, more tall, taller)
My sister is two years _________________ than me. ( young / so young / younger / the youngest).
Complete: Belen loves horses. She ____________ ( should / get / a horse )
She should get a horse
Type sentence: she / can / dance / beautiful.
She can dance beautifully.
Choose answer: People wear _________ on their feet ( shorts or socks).
True or false: Volcanoes are areas of water.
Read the sentences. Then type a new sentence with the same meaning, using the modal in brackets.
You shouldn't cook chicken in the competition.
He ......................(easy) passed the exam.
He was ..............(total) confused after the lesson.
I can't talk to him. I .............(hard) know him!
I ______ drive a car.
I can/ can't drive a car.
Can he fly?
No, he can't fly.
Write question, use can.
How many pull-ups can Eva Clarke do in 24 hours?
What is the irregular adjective bad?
Worse / Worst
What is the irregular adjective good?
Better / Best
Use as....as: My Spanish is worst than your French
My Spanish is not as bad as your French/ Your French is not as good my Spanish
Use as....as: Tomatoes and carrots are both good.
Tomatoes are as good as carrots / carrots are as good as tomatoes
Italy is 35 celcius degrees in the summer. Spain is 30 celcius degrees in the summer
Spain is not as hot as Italy
Action movies (exciting) _____________________________________ comedies.
are more exciting than
Cars (fast) _____________________________________ bicycles.
are faster than
My friend (interesting) __________________________________ person I know.
is the most interesting
I (tall) _____________________________________ my sister.
am taller than
Who is shorter?
Wonder Woman is shorter than Cap. America
What is this?
Sand dune
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is the weather like today?
It's cloudy.
Choose the correct answer.