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What type of mutation is shown given the example ATTCGT -----ATCGT
When material is swapped with another pair of chromosomes it is defined as what type of chromosomal mutation?
When does a gene mutation occur?
dna replication
What are the 3 types of Chromosomal Mutations?
deletion, duplication, translocation
In order for a mutation to be passed on from parent to offspring, the mutation must occur in_____
a gamete cell
DNA pieces can be separated and compared using a process called...............
gel electrophoresis
How many FEMALES are affected in Generation III ?
What does a CIRCLE represent on a pedigree???
What does a SQUARE represent on a pedigree?
The selection and breeding of organisms with desired traits
Selective breeding
This is a permanent change in the sequence of DNA in a gene
X-linked traits are located on the X or Y chromosome
X Chromosome
What is the phenotype of this genotype?
What pattern of inheritance is this?
incomplete dominance
Homozygous black mouse (BB) is crossed with homozygous white mouse (bb). What is the probability that the offspring will have black fur?
What does the notation Tt mean to a geneticist?
1 dominant and 1 recessive allele
The different form of a gene is called_______?
An organism that has 2 identical alleles for a trait is _________?
A heterozygous organism has ________?
2 different alleles for a trait
Skin color, eye color, and height are examples of what?
If a ___ allele is present, its trait will appear in the organism.
In this Punnett Square, what percentage of organisms would have green pea pods?
Genes which are strong and in control.
Dominant Gene
Genes which are weaker and hide when a dominant gene is around.
Recessive Gene
What our chromosomes and genes are made of. Its a self replicating material which is the carrier of genetic information.
A set of instructions which carries the information that determines your traits.