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Rocks and Rock Cycle

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It is made up of series of process that explain how rocks changes from one form to another form.
Rock Cycle
Which of the following becomes an Extrusive Igneous Rock? SEDIMENTS, FOSSILS, MAGMA, LAVA, IRON
Which of the following is an Igneous rock? GRANITE, SHALE, MARBLE
Which of the following is NOT a process of forming Sedimentary rock? WEATHERING, MELTING, DEPOSITION, COMPACTION CEMENTATION
What do you call the particles of rocks from the breaking of parent rocks
These are rocks that undergo change due to heat and pressure.
Metamorphic rock
What do you call the molten rocks that goes out of the volcano during eruption?
These are molten rock under the erath"s crust
What kind of rock is made up of rocks that breaks and dead organisms?
Sedimentary Rock
It is the process of breaking rocks into sediments
What kind of Rock is formed from MAGMA that cool down and hardens and become a rock?
Intrusive Igneous Rock