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award-winning: having won a prize

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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look into: He looked into hiring another secretary, but it would have been too expensive.
Verb Kevin groaned, and I paused to look into his eyes.
grow up: When someone grows up, they gradually change from being a child into being an adult.
Verb I wish Jim could have seen his child grow up.
catch-on: I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?
Verb As expected, you're quick to catch on
break-down: If a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working:
Verb My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, so I had to hitchhike
well-educated: having a good education
Adjective She went to Harvard, so she´s probably very well-educated
time-saving: making it possible to do something more quickly than usual
Adjective THe microwave is a very useful time-saving device
purposed-built: designed and made for a specific use
Adjective The building was purpose-built for the exhibition
open-minded: Willing to listen to and consider other people´s ideas and opinions
Adjective: my parents try to be open-minded about the clothes I wear and the music I like
old-fashioned: in a style that is no longer modern or fashionable
Adjective my grandfather always writes an old-fashioned thank-you letter instead of sending an email
money-making: leading to income of money
Adjective her money-making scheme failed
left-handed: able to use the left hand more often or more effectively than the right
Adjective He´s a left-handed pitcher.
hard-working: using a lot of time and energy to work
Adjective She´s a hard-working mayor
good-looking: pretty, handsome or beautiful
Adjective that´s a good-looking dog.
fair-haired: having a light color of hair
Adjective I was a fair-haired child but now my hair´s black
eye-catching: very noticeable because of being attractive or unexpected
Adjective: she wore an eye-catching dress at the party
English-speaking: able or likely to communicate in English
Adjective: he needed an English speaking lawyer to help him.
easy-going: relaxed and informal.
Adjective he´s a very easy-going teacher.
cold-blooded: (of an animal) not able to control body temperature by metabolic means
Adjective he´s a cold-blooded criminal
bad-tempered: easily annoyed
Adjective my grandpa´s really bad tempered. He even gets angry at the birds in his apple tree!
award-winning: having won a prize
Adjective she´s an award winning actress