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lghda f lmeghreeb: Lunch in Morocco. Part 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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shnu hadi?
hadi rrfeessa
shnu hadi?
hadi shewwaya dial sserdeen
shnu hada?
hada Tebseel dial le3des
shnu hada?
hada Tebseel dial lloobya
shnu smeet had l'ukla?
had l'ukla smeet'ha lmerqa b'ddjaj lemHammer
shnu smeet had l'ukla lmeghribiyya?
had l'ukla smeet'ha rrfeesa
shnu smeet had l'ukla lmeghribiyya?
had l'ukla smeet'ha: Tagine dial llHem w lberqooq
shnu smeet had l'ukla lmeghribiyya?
had l'ukla smeet'ha Kisksu
dial'ash had TTagine?
had TTagine: dial lHoot
shnu hada?
hada Tagine dial ddjaj
f ashmn nhar f simana kayaklu lmgharba had l'ukla?
nhar jjem3a
shnu smeet had l'ukla lmeghribiyya?
had l'ukla smeet'ha: Tagine dial lkhodra