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Light Energy

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Green and red can create what secondary color of light?
Name the primary colors of light.
green, blue, and red
Which is translucent? A. tissue paper B. wood C. clear plastic
C. clear plastic
Give three examples of natural sources of light.
sun, stars, lightning
Name three animals that can produce their own light.
squid, glowing worms, fireflies, angler fish, fungi
What material allows all light to pass through an object? A. translucent B. transparent C. opaque
B. transparent
Which object scatters white light and separates it into seven colors? A. translucent B. opaque C. prism
C. prism
What material allows some light to pass through an object? A. translucent B. transparent C. opaque
A. translucent
Which of the following is the separation of all colors in the color spectrum? A. dispersion B. separation C. absorption
A. dispersion
What color that makes up white light? A. primary color B. color spectrum C. color wheel
B. color spectrum
White light is made up of how many colors? A. six B. seven C. eight
B. seven
What objects produce their own light? A. man-made B. non-luminous C. luminous
C. luminous
What form of energy that you can see and it travels in straight line? A. water B. light C. sound
B. light
What is the main source of light energy on the Earth? A. moon B. stars C. sun
C. sun
Which object allows you to see your reflection? A. mirror B. paper C. flashlight
A. mirror
When we see an orange object, that means orange wavelength of light is being reflected off the object. TRUE or FALSE
When we see a black object, that means all the colors of light are being absorbed. TRUE or FALSE
Objects that produce light of their own are described as natural sources of light. TRUE or FALSE
Umbra is the center part of the shadow which gets no light at all. TRUE or FALSE
Green, orange, and violet are the primary colors in the color spectrum. TRUE or FALSE