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פּסח Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you name the 10 מכּות Hashem sent to Pharoah and the מצרים
דם, צפרדע, כינים, ערוב, דבר, שחין, ברד, ארבה, חושך, מכת בכורות
What is the name of the very special book we use at the סדר? Hint: It starts with the letter ה.
What is the name of the very special meal we eat the first two nights of פּסח? Hint: It starts with the letter ס.
A סדר.
True or False: We can eat a תּפּוח on פּסח.
TRUE. A תּפּוח is not חמץ.
True or False: We can eat bagels during the 8 days of פּסח.
FALSE. Bagels are חמץ
How many days is the holiday of פּסח?
How many questions do we ask while singing the מה נשׁתנה
What is a reason that we eat מצה on פּסח?
Because the Jewish People had to leave מצרים quickly and did not have time to let the dough rise.