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Speaking Activity KIDS 6 UNITS 3-4.

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever visited a different country?
Yes, I have visited the United States of America / No, I haven't visited a different country.
Has your mom / dad ever visited a different country?
Yes, my mom/dad has visited (Japan) / No, my mom/dad hasn't visited a different country / No, my mom/dad has never visited a different country.
Have you ever been to a sports game?
Yes, I have been to a sports game / No, I haven't been to a sports game.
Have you ever been to a ballet?
Yes, I have been to a ballet / No, I haven't been to a ballet.
Have you ever been to a concert?
Yes, I have been to a concert / No, I haven't been to a concert.
Tell me your best achievement.
I have passed my English course.
What do you want to be in the future?
I want to be (an astronaut) in the future.
What are these?
They are nostrils / They're nostrils.
What color hair do you have?
I have (brown) hair / My hair is (brown).
What color are your eyelashes?
My eyelashes are black / They are black.
Where do you wear a necklace?
I wear a necklace around/round my neck / A necklace is used around/round the neck.
Have you ever ridden a camel?
Yes, I have ridden a camel / No, I haven't ridden a camel.
How long can you go without food or water?
I can go for about an hour without food or water.
Have you ever walked on sand? Where?
Yes, I have walked on sand at the beach / No, I haven't walked on sand.
What is the temperature today?
It is twenty-nine degrees Celsius / It's twenty-nine degrees Celsius.
When did you last dance?
I last danced (on my last birthday).
When did you last laugh?
I last laughed (yesterday).
When did you learn to ride a bicycle?
I learned to ride a bicycle (when I was five years old) / I learnt to ride a bicycle (last year).
When did you meet your best friend?
I met my best friend (a year ago).
Where did Steve ski in Sweden?
Steve skied down a mountain / He skied down a mountain.
Where did you climb trees when you were younger?
I climbed trees in (the park) when I was younger / I didn't climb trees when I was younger.
Who sent you a birthday card on your last birthday?
My friends sent me a birthday card on my last birthday / Nobody sent me a birthday card on my last birthday.
What time did you join your English class today?
I joined my English class at five o'clock today.