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Geography Final

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A condition in which countries have strong economic ties and depend on each other for resources, technology, trade, and investment.
economic interdependence
A business that has operations all over the world.
multinational corporation
Policyto attract more foreign business than other parts of China because they offer companies that locate there greater freedom.
special economic zones
How fast a country's population is growing each year.
rate of natural increase
The ability of one country to produce a good or provide a service at a lower cost or more effectively than another country.
comparative advantage
The hiring of someone outside a company to do work that was once done by the company’s own workers.
The build-up of salt in soil or water.
The condition that occurs when people don't have enough clean fresh water to meet their everyday needs.
water stress
How has the Employment Equity Act affected job opportunities in South Africa since 1998?
opened jobs to all ethnic groups
The former Official South African policy of separating people according to race and giving most of the political and economic power to whites.
A small business with few or no employees.
The kind of work a person does depends mainly on that person’s sex.
gender-based division of labor
A feeling of pride and loyalty toward one’s country.
An independent country whose people mostly share a common identity.
The total fertility rate needed for a population to replace itself. It is about 2.1 in most developed countries.
replacement rate
The study of human populations and how they change.
The unequal distribution of wealth and resources in a specific geographic area.
spatial inequality
the movement of large numbers of people to cities
Most adults live in rural areas and work in agriculture.
developing country
They earn at least $7,000 a year.
global consumer class
Involves filling in empty or run-down parts of a city with new developments.
A legal border that separates urban land from rural land.
urban growth boundary
an area with one or more features that set it apart from other areas
how its people make a living
economic activity map
changes in shape, size, and position of features that occur when representing the Earth on a flat map
use to indicate the absolute location of any place on Earth
global grid