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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bonny has always dreamt of getting married to __ richest man in the world.
Bonny has always dreamt of getting married to the richest man in the world.
— Do you know that __ river Nile flows into __ Mediterranean?
— Do you know that the river Nile flows into the Mediterranean?
Danylo plays __ tennis every week. That’s why he has such __ muscular legs.
Danylo plays tennis every week. That’s why he has such muscular legs.
My collegue got rid of __ ugly dress we were talking about.
My collegue got rid of the ugly dress we were talking about.
My half-sister never drinks __ tea, she’s a big fan of __ coffee.
My half-sister never drinks tea, she’s a big fan of coffee.
Timmy bought __ canary and __ snake. The canary flew away on the day it was bought.
Timmy bought a canary and a snake. The canary flew away on the day it was bought.
__ Lysá hora is in __ Carpathian mountains.
Lysá hora is in the Carpathian mountains.
Why is there a traffic jam? — Look. __ people are on strike. They are worried about losing their jobs.
Why is there a traffic jam? — Look. The people are on strike. They are worried about losing their jobs.
I am sure __ Sicily is __ biggest island in __ Mediterranean.
I am sure Sicily is the biggest island in the Mediterranean.
I work as __ secretary in __ office block.
I work as a secretary in an office block.
__ apple a day keeps __ doctor away.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Unfortunately, __ money can’t buy you __ happiness and __ health.
Unfortunately, money can’t buy you happiness and health.
In __ sixteenth century, eating __ sugar became very popular. But only __ wealthiest people could buy it.
In the sixteenth century, eating sugar became very popular. But only the wealthiest people could buy it.