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Sacred Scripture & Tradition

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The uninterrupted passing on of apostolic authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops
Apostolic Succession
The gift given by the Holy Spirit in which the Pope can definitively proclaim a doctrine of faith and morals without error
The Church's living teaching office made up of all bishops in union with the Pope
The books of the Bible officially recognized by the Church as the inspired Word of God
canon of Scripture
Which books of the Bible are rooted in the historical life & teachings of Jesus of Nazareth?
The New Testament
What is another word for the Law of Moses?
Who said, 'consider that you do not support the root; the root supports you'
The Apostle Paul (Romans 11:18)
One prominent image that the Apostle Paul uses to show how Christianity is rooted in Judaism
A family tree
Which part of the Bible tells the the story of God's saving work among the ancient Israelites
The Old Testament
What does inspired mean?
Written by human authors with the guidance of the Holy Spirit