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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Based on the prefix micro- and the root scope, what is a microscope used to observe? Objects that are small or distant objects
Objects that are small
Which of the following is a verb- dog, across, around, jump?
Which of the following is a preposition- run, jump, about, the
Which of the following is a noun- jump, dog, run, under?
The root word luna means-- stars, moon, near, or far
The root word photo means-- hard, near, light, or see
The root word scope means-- distant, near, see, or hear
What does the root word tele mean--distant, close, near, or call
The word agriculture comes from a root word that means-- field, hand, move, or hear
The word disruption comes from a root word that means-- feed, break, hide, send
The word mission comes from a root word that means- move, build, send, or hear
Penelope wants to know what the word topographic means. If she had a reference book where would be the best place for her to look? the table of contents or the glossary or the index
the glossary
To conclude a report, the student should include a paragraph that... summarizes the most important ideas from her earlier paragraphs or gives more details about the first paragraph or adds facts and ideas they forgot.
summarizes the most important ideas from the earlier paragraphs
Which of these is a synonym for the word harm? accuse, mend, protect, or damage.
Mom inspected my room after I cleaned it. The word inspected contains the Latin root spect. What does spect mean?
The construction of the house will be completed next month. The Latin root "struct" in the word construction means?