Edit Game
vocabulary 1 unit 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1 I belong to army
2 my uncle was a soldier in the army
1 I need cotton for a project
2 I can't find cotton
1 in the film in which he acts I have many Dialogue
2 I love the dialogues of my film
1 my grandmother sold 5 casket
2 my grandmother has a casket shop
1 I am very Intuition
2 my brother is Intuition
1 I ask my boss for an Increase
2 I realized that Increase my company's purchases
1 my dad hates to arrive at Midnight
2 yesterday I fell asleep at midnight
1 my grandfather has a wanders
2 my dad has a wanders
1 my grandfather has a fishing rod collection
2 I can't find my fishing rod
1 I have a Paperback
2 my brother has many a Paperback
1 my uncle works repairing machines
2 my grandfather has a machine company
1 there is a lot of cobweb in my house
2 I am very afraid of cobwebs
1 my grandmother made me food homemade
2 i love homemade food
1 I do not wait for the arrival of my friend to my party
2 I look forward to the arrival of my father to work
1 I love looking at my grandmother's old mirror
2 I have a mirror very small color green
1 I love playing with my brother to the Spies
2 I wanted to be spies as a child
1 I always say truth
2 my dad always says it's good to tell the truth
1 I deduced that my mom took the dog to the park
2 I deduce that my grandmother went to see my aunt
1 I have speculation that we are going on vacation
2 I have speculation that he will get a 10 on the exam
1 today in class I teach you the Adjective
2 I don't understand the adjectives