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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite thing to eat during a movie?
popcorn, candy
They say it is good luck when this inset lands on you! Have you ever had a ladybug land on you??
While you're waiting, you're reading! What is your all time favorite book?
Did you know that a _________ is actually a fruit? What's your favorite fruit?
They say this vegetable is good for your eyes. What's your favorite vegetable?
What's your favorite video game to play? Why?
This is a fruit used to make guacamole. Have you ever had it before?
They say ______ is the most important meal of the day. What's your favorite ______ food?
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world where would you go? Why?
What is she doing? What will she catch? Have you ever done this before?
fishing for fish!
Why do people where sunglasses? Do you have a favorite pair of sunglasses?
To protect your eyes from the sun's rays.
What is something that you can eat to cool your off on a hot summer day? What's your favorite cool treat?
ice pop, ice cream
What is the last day of school this year? Do you sleep in every day over the summer? Or do you wake up early?
June 12th
If you could take a road trip and go anywhere in the USA where would you go? Why?
What vitamin does your body get from the sun? What do you do when it is sunny outside?
vitamin D
What sport is this? Have you ever played before? What's your favorite sport?
What does ETA stand for? What do you ask when you are ready to be somewhere?
estimated time of arrival "Are we there yet?"
What are these clouds called? What do you do when it is partly sunny outside?
List some yummy ice cream flavors.
List some condiments/toppings that you put on a burger.
ketchup, mustard, mayo, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce...
This is something that some people use to cook foods like burgers and hot dogs. What's your favorite grilled food?
List some foods that you put ketchup on!
burgers, fries, green beans :-)
What are your favorite pizza toppings?
This is a place where some people go during the summer to cool off on a hot day!
What kind of ocean animal is this? Have you ever seen an ocean animal?
What kind of clouds bring rain? What is something you like to do when it's rainy outside?
cumulonimbus and stratus clouds
What kind of clouds are these? What is something you like do when its cloudy?
stratus clouds
What is she doing? Do you like to do this?
Name something you love to do!
Name one of your favorite songs!