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While walking to school, Sarah found 4 Pokemon cards. She now has 18 total cards. How many Pokemon cards did she start with?
c = 14
The airplane descends 20 ft and is then at an altitude of 125 ft. What was its original height
h = 135
Penny has some money. After she spends $5 for her new kitten, she will have $27. How much money does she start with?
m= 32
If Sam earns $4 more, he’ll have $52. How much money does he have to start out with?
m = 48
6 = k - 24
k = 30
t - 11 = 2
t = 13
7 + i = 34
i = 27
6 + h = 17
h = 11
z - 13 = 11
z = 24
8 = m - 15
m = 23
n - 11 = 14
n = 25
t + 24 = 58
t = 34
17 = n + 11
n = 6
h + 6 = 13
h = 7
9 = q - 13
q = 22
g + 11 = 23
g = 12
g + 14 = 28
g = 14
14 = r - 6
r = 20
2 = b - 13
b = 15